Archives: FAQs

What are the eligibility requirements to go on a kayak tour?

Our staff works with a variety of guests and all skill levels. Beginner kayak tours are open to all individuals who acknowledge the ability to perform the following essential eligibility criteria: Breathe independently (i.e., not require medical devices to sustain breathing) Independently maintain sealed airway passages while underwater Independently hold head upright without neck/head support…

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Is it possible to do a private tour?

Absolutely! Private tours are available for online booking here. Planning a trip for a group of students or interested in team-building activities for your company? Fill out this form or send an email to

I want to go on a trip. What’s available?

Select the date you are interested in and view available trips here.

I need directions to my meeting spot. Where can I find my guide?

A set of complete directions will be included in your confirmation email. It is helpful to have your confirmation email accessible on the day of your trip.

How far in advance do I need to make my reservations?

Ferry tickets to the island and our tours sell out far in advance. Please make your reservation as early as possible to ensure your trip date. Same-day reservations are rarely possible.

Do you rent kayaks, surfboards, and other equipment?

We only offer guided trips. We do not rent equipment.

Can we bring pets on a tour? What about service animals?

We are unable to accommodate pets on our tours. Service animals are welcome. For Channel Islands trips specifically, there is a detailed process required by the National Park Service to bring animals along. More information is available here.

Can my party join an existing group if we meet the minimum number of participants?

Of course! Let us know your dates, the activities you’re most interested in, and if your plans are flexible. We will do our best to accommodate you.

Can I buy a gift certificate?

Of course, Adventure is always the perfect gift! Buy gift certificates online here or email and we’ll send you a certificate by email or in the mail.