Recently the Marine Protected Areas around the Northern Channel Islands have received the Blue Parks Award. The Channel Islands MPAs protect a variety of marine ecosystems.

Blue Parks is a Marine Conservation Institute initiative working to build a global network of effective marine protected areas to save ocean life. In 2019, they awarded our beloved park the Platinum level for the work being done.
The Northern Channel Islands Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) protect some of the richest marine ecosystems in the world. There are 13 MPAs covering 318 square miles established by the State of California and the federal government to provide protection for sea life.

Over 5,000 species of invertebrates, mammals, fish, and seasbirds reside in and around the MPAs. The abundance of marine species in the region is largely due to high productivity driven by upwelling and its situation between warm and cold bioregions.

This award was presented to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, and the Channel Islands National Park Service due to their collaborative efforts in meeting the highest science-based standards for protection and management of the MPAs.

Here at Channel Islands Adventure Company, our clients and guides enjoy the benefits of recreating in the marine protected areas. Our guides are happy to share their knowledge of the kelp forests, wildlife, and the adventure of kayaking around Santa Cruz Island.